Friday, April 4, 2014

Texas, Texas, Yee-Haw!

I just spent four glorious days in three cities in Texas. I flew into Dallas, the city where I was born and raised. Spent the next day in Ft. Worth, the city where my mother was born and raised. And spent the next day/night in Austin, the city where my alcohol tolerance was born and raised. I enjoyed spending time with Mom, Dad, Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, Great Aunts, Great Uncles, First Cousins, Second thru Eighth Cousins, Friends and, most importantly, Dirk Nowitzki.

I had a little bit of free time the last few months because I'm (ahem) between jobs at the moment. I figured it would be a good opportunity to visit the state I called home for eighty percent of my life. I figured I'd hang out, see family and friends, and just relax. The first two I was able to do. The last was not in the cards. The only way this trip could be considered relaxing is if your idea of relaxing is constantly going from one place to another in an effort to see everyone and everything you've held dear since you had a foreskin.

I didn't have much of a plan while in Texas. The only thing, besides seeing family and friends, that I cared about was the "3 B's" - BBQ, Beer and Burritos. Specifically, Rudy's Barbecue. Shiner Bock Beer and Taco Bueno Burritos. If I still lived in Texas, I would eat and drink those three things everyday. It's a good thing I don't live in Texas anymore because with that diet, I'd be so unhealthy that my diabetes would have high blood pressure.

I'm normally not that much of an eater but when you're in Texas, you eat like a Texan. Big greasy cheeseburgers, moist barbecue brisket, chicken fried steak, Texas Sweet Heat Buffalo Wings, Snuffer's Cheese Fries, Spicy Chicken Tenders, Jalepeno infused sausage, Chick-Fil-A Chicken Biscuit, Chicken Express Fried Chicken with buttermilk biscuits, Z Tejas' Ancho Chili Fudge Pie, Potato Salad and Taco Bueno bean burritos. I need a Pepcid just writing that. I gained so much weight in Texas, I'm surprised I didn't have to buy two seats on Southwest Airlines.

All in all it was a great trip. Saw a bunch of people, had a bunch of laughs, ate a bunch of crap. It's everything Texas is supposed to be. My mind can't wait till the next time I'm there, but my stomach is in no hurry to get back.

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