Monday, June 29, 2015

Yay for the Gay!

There have been many landmark decisions: Brown v. Board of Education, Roe v. Wade, Cary Schwartz v. going to South Padre Island for Spring Break during Freshman year of college or going back to Dallas and maybe participating in a day trip to Ft. Worth in order to visit my grandmother at the department store where she works, and the Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage decision. All of these decisions have been, in my opinion, the right thing to do including my decision to spend Spring Break in Padre. Yes, I could've scored some free Drakkar cologne from Na-Na but then I wouldn't have had a chance to make out with a High School senior from Houston behind the stage at South Padre Island's famed nightclub, Louie's Backyard.

For those of you living under a rock, getting out of a 3 day coma or not having a Facebook page, the Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states last Friday. This is a decision that gives people the same right to a legal union even if you happen to be in love with someone who is the same sex as you. It is one of those decisions that makes me happy, proud and, well, gay. Now, I'm not gay in the way that people use that word now. I am not sexually attracted to men not named Johnny Depp, I've never seen an episode of "Glee" and of all the Avengers, Scarlett Johansson is the only one I want to bang not named Chris Hemsworth. I am gay in the actual definition of the word: "full of joy, merry; light-hearted, carefree." 

I am happy, therefore I am gay.

I am gay for many reasons. I am gay because I have great friends - some of them happen to be in love with someone the same sex as them. I am gay because I have a loving family - some of them happen to love someone the same sex as them. I am gay because I have a wonderful fiancee - who happens to be a different sex than me. I am gay because being happy - being gay - is very important to me. I am gay because I believe everyone has the right to be in love with whoever they fall in love with. I am gay because it is the right thing to do. I am gay even though I love a woman. I wish everyone was gay.

I am gay and I am proud.

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